As our customers move online, it's only natural that we follow them. But with technology evolving faster than ever, it can be hard to keep up – Especially if all of your actions are reactionary.
So, how do you stop following your customers and start leading them?
First, you need to get your team and stakeholders aligned.

For branded, B2B and e-commerce projects
If you have any of these issues, it may be time to reassess your digital offering:
Fragmented customer experiences
Inconsistent digital strategy & marketing channels
Outdated websites & integrated technology
Aimless online branding
Non-existent data planning, CRM and automation
Poor lead funnels and conversion rate optimisation
Lacklustre e-commerce sales
A need for agency shortlisting and selection
A lack of culture, stakeholder and teamwork alignment
You're not the first to stare down these problems. And to fix them quickly, you'll have to do something rather counterintuitive.
To accelerate your digital transformation, you need to slow down.
The first step in any effective digital transformation is an effective planning process. This planning should be customer focused and work towards aligning all leaders and executives in the same direction.
By taking the time to analyse your customer, your strategy and your current positioning, you’ll be able to accelerate to a much faster implementation speed later in the process. And through gaining a thorough understanding of your customer, you can focus on improving the customer experiences that positively affect your sales growth.

Turning Leaf are experts in planning effective digital transformation strategies. By developing specific Transformation Action Plans (TAPs) you can sidestep common speed bumps and use your strengths to go above and beyond customer expectations.
Catastrophes, calamities, mistakes and tragedies.
A lot of things can go wrong.
When you hear of project costs being blown out of the water and web builds being pushed back from days to months to years, the source of the problem is often simple – the leaders didn’t take the time to give a proper brief to the people building their digital initiative.
Yes, it will take some time to prepare a brief. And explaining a brief in person is much more inconvenient than sending it through email.
However, slowing down in the preparation stage of any project will save you time during the build.
Proper planning comes with a range of repercussions:
Completing builds on time (or EVEN finishing a project early)
Alignment between leaders, executives, the board of directors and external agents
Gaining competitive advantages
Customer focussed transformations – greatly improving customer experiences
Decreased project build and development costs
Creation of specific customer journeys and sales funnels
Measures to evaluate project performance
Creation of quality data and CRM systems
Conversion rate optimisation
And more sales...
The R3 Digital Transformation Canvas is focussed on getting you more sales by analysing how you can use digital levers to recruit more customers, retain them for longer, and realise their value.
The first 'R' is focussed on how you Recruit customers. This begins with an assessment of your customer, segmenting the market, and finding your perfect target market. Outputs can include a digital sales funnel and customer journey maps.
We then look at how your digital transformation will Retain customers. A large chunk of this is designing an enjoyable customer experience. One that keeps customers coming back and leaves your competition in the dust.
Lastly, we will help you Realise the value of your customer by increasing their lifetime value.
This framework is the first step towards creating a clear, concise brief. By outlining what you need, you'll stop your agency from going off the rails and IT won't be able to simply jump on the latest fad that they want to play with – you'll be in control.
You can transform your business on your own. We know you can, but, according to McKinsey, 70% of digital transformation initiatives don't reach their goals.
There are many reasons why these initiatives don't succeed. But the real issue is that these failures are totally avoidable.
We believe that 80% of digital transformation is not about technology - it's about people. And with Turning Leaf keeping your team aligned, you'll reduce the project's risk, development costs will decline, and most importantly, your customers will love buying from you again and again.
Over the years, Turning Leaf has helped create brand love across a wide range of industries...

With scary results...
“The digital transformation worked so well. I don’t even open emails now for fear they’re another order!”
Partick Sells CEO Durapol
A good jumping-off point is to do an audit of your current digital offerings.
Our 27 Point R3 Benchmark Audit provides an in-depth analysis of your business through the scope of the R3 model. This analysis is the foundation for any successful digital transformation, as it will allow you to understand your current strategic position.
The audit includes:
30-minute interviews with 2 key stakeholders
An analytic examination of your current website
Creation of customer profiles
R3 Digital Transformation Canvas
And you will receive an overall digital competency score, based on industry benchmarks
This audit is valued at $4,840. However, if you call us within the next 10 minutes we'll give you this audit for half price.
Call now on (02) 9002 3100 for a free 30-minute consultation about your digital transformation challenges and goals.
Or contact our Principal directly:
Matt Braithwaite-Young
m: 0410 598 538

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